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Meaningful Living -A Path to Finding Fulfillment in Daily Life


Meaningful Livingwww.judaicapress.com



  1. 日常生活での低迷を克服し、どうやって人生にもっと意味を持たせることができるか考えるヒントを得る。





*Yetzer hara :アダムとイブ(Chava)に神に背く行為をそそのかした蛇のような生き物

*Olam Habah:来るべき世界


*Gemilut Hasadim: the giving of loving-kindness

*Avodah (Hebrew: עֲבוֹדָה ): "work, worship, and service".



  1. Beware the Enemy Within: The yetzer hara wants to destroy us completely, taking away from us both this world and the next. He therefore tempts us to sin, since that will ultimately cause us to lose Olam Habah. Forewarned is forearmed. Let's be vigilant of this enemy lurking within us and be strengthened and reassured by the awareness that those who try to combat the yeyzer hara receive Divine Help to succeed. Hashem gives us the strength we need to combat this enemy. May it be the will of hashem that we succeed in this daily test of life, and in that merit may earn the many rewards of those who valiantly serve Hashem.
  2. Comforting the Sick(Bikur cholim): We are not exactly perfect. Bikur cholim is an astonishingly uplifting experience. 
  3. We should not go visit someone when we are shabbily dressed. We should make sure our appearance is presentable, for when we go to visit the sick, we stand i Hashem's presence. 
  4. "smart"Bikur cholim:Find out what the person or family really needs. Don't tell them everything is fine. This must sound like a wonderful thing to do, but it makes a person feel un-needed, like everyone can get along without them.
  5. Hashem is like a shadow on your right hand. We always be blessed with good health and everything wonderful.
  6. The world exists due to 3 things:  Torah(the learning and studying of the oral and written law), Avodah(Prayer), and Gemilut Hasadim(Kindness).
  7. Avoiding conflict
  8. Sleep Secrets: Overdoing it will not glean us any added extra benefits.Use sleep positively. It is also a good suggestion to give tzedakah before going to sleep, as it says, " I was righteousness see your face". In other words, my soul was the greet Hashem only after giving tzedakah.
  9. Fleeing from sin: by knowing ourselves and of the nature of our weakness, we can more diligently and more successfully prevent ourselves from actually sinning.
  10. Surrounding ourselves with positive influences
  11. Discovering guidance in the strangest places: We should never allow ourselves to fall into spiritual stagnation, and merely coast through life. We must always be striving and looking intently for more ways to daven better, to study more, to engage in more acts of kindness, and to bring ourselves ever closer to Hashem.
  12. Happy home
  13. Avoiding the envy of others: People who say, "My success comes through my own strengths and power, and not from Hashem", will find themselves under the power of an evil eye. We must recognize that everything we have is a gift from Hashem, to be used in taccordance with His desires. In this way, we will not cause others to feel badly or be envious of us, and we will be safe from the ayin hara(evil eye).
  14. Avoiding discouragement: Hashem forgives without limit, so - no matter how guilty we feel- we must never surrender to the feeling that we are beyond hope. The word "but", always indicates a limitation.
  15. Stop kvetching!